Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hate Crime

By Ray Rogers

I’ve heard the term hate crime for years even as far back as the 1990’s. First of all I’m a middle aged white male. I hold all life to be precious regardless of the color of someone’s skin or their sexual preference. I don’t agree with everything that other people say or do, but I believe that we will all stand in judgment for ourselves alone. No one else’s behavior or action is going to give anyone an excuse for what we do in our own lives.

I noticed that when George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin certain people in the main stream of the media immediately started calling it a “hate crime.” Now I’m not going to get involved in the whole debate whether or not it was self-defense or murder. I just want to talk about the term “hate Crime.” It is my understanding that the hate crime bill was introduced to protect certain ethnic groups.

What I’m wondering is how calling something a “hate crime” is helping anyone. I thought that all innocent people are supposed to be protected by the law no matter what color, religion, or sexual preference they may happen to be. Doesn’t the statue of lady justice have a blindfold on? Why are we trivializing one crime and holding other crimes to be more serious because some form of racism is involved.

How many people were severely beaten, stabbed, or shot, or dragged to death by someone who loved and cared for them? It would seem to me that all crimes of this nature are “hate crimes.” What difference does it make to the victim or the victim’s family if the crime was motivated by this type of hate or the other? Would you refer to the attack on the twin towers a hate crime or a war crime? I’m almost certain that people of the protected classes were in this building.

I think that when we are allowing some crimes to be labeled with the term “hate crime” which is usually done when the news media decides that a particular crime was motivated by racism I think the only thing that is being accomplished is stirring up more hate.

Don’t get me wrong. I know that racism is alive and well, but remember racism comes from all directions. It’s not just white people who can be a racist. I refuse to associate with people who are racist. I learned from that bible that all of men are created in God’s image. So according to God’s word if we choose to hate someone we are the same as a murderer. 

God’s first commandment is for us to love him with all of our heart mind and strength and our neighbor as our selves. Jesus went a little further by saying love one another as I have loved you. Now think about that for a few minutes. He died for us and called us his friends.