Now for the Tenth Amendment. I'm beginning to wonder if our state elected officials are even aware that such an amendment exists. I'm pretty sure our federally elected representatives for the most part are Constitutionally ignorant. I'm afraid most are they like Nancy Pelosi and have to pass a law before they know what's in it.
Now back to the state and the Tenth Amendment which reads: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." That statement says as lot but I'm old enough to remember when our politicians were bought off by federal grants.
I went to school back in the day when our educational system was locally run and paid for by local tax payers. Under President Jimmy Carter, the Department of Education Organization Act (Public Law 96-88) was signed into law in 1979. The Federal government began setting goals and curriculum for our schools to teach and promising us money to help pay for the cost of such subjects. State politicians, not wanting to turn down federal grants and telling their constituents how much money they were saving them locally were happy to give up a little of the state's freedom. But as things turned out we gave up a lot of freedom.
But as all things federal do, the Department of Education grew and grew and even became unionized and unionized all of our teachers. They are now paid even more to teach even less. As long as what they teach turns our children into good little obedient, mostly ignorant voters. I saw a video tonight where a reporter asked young college age people about the revolution of 1776 and most of them thought we had won our independence from China. Other's didn't even know who we won our independence from. And a large number just thought it was another federal holiday.
Our state politicians could just tell the Federal government to keep their grants, raise our taxes and run our state as we the people under the Tenth Amendment would like to be left alone to live. It makes me wonder why we have 50 states in the first place. Arizona lost their right to protect their own borders. Looks to me like the federal government is endeavoring to turns us into one Soviet Socialist Regime with no state borders at all. Everyone will obey the new set of laws put forth by the United Nations and the One World Order. I know most of you don't believe a word I have said but I hope I live long enough to says "I told you so." I hope it doesn't come to this but the more I remember of history and the more I see the future in the writings and speakings of our political leaders, the more I see something bad coming down the road.