The house is full of young’uns and there’s the smell of a feast being prepared in the kitchen. Just think, a couple dozen years ago none of this even existed. Remember, back when it was just you and your most favorite person in the world. Remember…you married that one and…well a lot of family history began to happen. Look around. You can find your oldest in the crowd somewhere. Remember when he was born? How you walked the waiting room floor and fretted…hoping both mom and child would be alright. Take a minute and dwell on that thought.
Thanksgiving Dinner on the foot. |
After the boys reach a manageable age, along comes a daughter. Now a completely different set of rules kick in. The mouth still asks the same questions but the answers might need to be a little different for feminine ears. Two more eyes watch every move so care must be taken.
And getting this crew through school was one heck of a job. Looking back now I don’t know how mom and I managed to do it. I remember that it took a lot of effort to maintain our sanity and deal with two boys and a little lady and school studies which had so drastically changed since mom and I went to school, we were not much help with homework.
That seems to have been only yesterday. Today, I have three children, 9 grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren.
Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for all the great and good things God has provided for you and your family, but for me…But I’m also thankful that I lived through it and don’t have to do it again.
Now go and eat your turkey and be Thankful.