By Ray Rogers
It is very important to come to this country through proper channels. Why you might ask? Because we already have 47% of Americans who don't care about our constitution or our country. We have approximately 40% who do, and approximately 13% who are undecided or so it would seem. This country doesn't need more people who don't care about our constitution. Of course these numbers are a guess based on how the last election played out.
So I'm reading an article by Michelle Malkin and I get to the part where 300 illegal immigrants were protesting outside of the doorstep of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach. They were waving their fists and proclaiming Kobach “king of hate” because of his work with border security activists and border patrol agents. Well he is the "king of hate?" Who's waving their fists and calling names here?
Former Tea Party activist now state representative Amanda Grosseroade was attacked on Facebook with name calling and death threats because she stated that the behavior of the demonstrators was disgusting. Some commented that they should start killing the Nazis referring to politicians, cops, and judges among others. Probably meaning anyone with an opposing view. So who are really the Nazis here?
I'm amazed at the boldness of anyone who comes to a country illegally then are allowed to stay here illegally and make demands on our government to give them amnesty. Our generous government gave them 4 billion dollars in government assistance and continues to give to them. Then they have the courage to protest on Kris Kobach’s front lawn calling him the “King of Hate" because he has the audacity to stand with the border security activists and border patrol agents. People should enter at the authorized border entrances, not over fences or swimming the Rio Grande. There should be border patrols only allowing people in who come here legally. Our visitors should not be allowed to overstay their visas either, but they do.
Where is this courage when it comes to dealing with the government of their home country for rights and freedoms there? Are they truly protesting in order to live in a free republic or to take advantage of what can be gotten for free? Are they such cowards they are afraid to stand up to their own government.
Our forefathers risked everything…including their own lives to give us this Republic. Are we willing to give our Republic away in the name of Amnesty to anyone who wants to come here rather than fight for their own rights and a Republic of their own?
We are not Nazis. We are not the ones who are threatening anyone with physical harm or death. We are just trying to protect our Republic. Our forefathers fought hard and sacrificed much to give us what we have here in America and we Americans don't want to see it taken away from us. We think of it as something worth fighting to keep. Freedom is very expensive. It cost the lives of many of our patriots. People do not belong here who cannot respect the fact that the price paid by our patriots is what made this country the desirable place that it is.
Looking into the history of immigration the laws were created to curb the loss of jobs and decent wages of American citizens caused by cheep labor of immigrants coming into the workforce. The American public was also concerned about communists, criminals, and other undesirables settling here. So this resulted in the immigration act of 1881. This act was created to protect our constitution, and the rights of its citizens.
We have classes for immigrants to become naturalized citizens that teach them about how our country was created and how it works. Hopefully this will give our new comers a greater appreciation of our country and they will want to protect and defend it as we do. Sadly some immigrants who have taken these classes and have become citizens know more about our country than we do.
We conservatives don't have a problem with immigration. Our nation was built on immigration. Our country is truly a melting pot of people from all over the world. We do, however, have a problem with immigrants coming here illegally because many of them are already showing a total disregard for our laws. I also fear that amnesty will have a very negative impact on our already floundering Economy.
All immigrants are welcome here. All illegals are not. Please: to all of our politicians, don't betray our country in the hopes of making yourselves look good or gain more votes. This country has already been severely damaged by political good intentions. And a saying thought to have originated with Saint Bernard of Clairvaux who wrote in 1150ad. “Hell is full of good wishes and desires.“ An earlier saying also occurs in Virgil’s Aeneid: “It is easy to go to hell.” That seems to be where the expression "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" So think Mr. Politician, don’t use your political ambitions to send our Constitutional Republic to hell.
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