Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The End

T. S. Elliott, wrote, “The greatest proof of Christianity for others is not how far a man can logically analyze his reasons for believing, but how far in practice he will stake his life on his belief."

Those are strong words. I've heard all the arguments that there is nothing after this life. We all become worm food and that's the end of us. I used the expression that there is nothing after this life. Makes me wonder just what is life? We, us, millions of people, each one an individual with his own thoughts, beliefs, imaginations. We are ALIVE. What is being alive? We make friends, we eat, drink and make merry. We put forth a great effort to find a good job and make money to buy  THINGS to make us happy, comfortable, entertained and attract like minded friends.

What makes us want to live and put forth great effort to being happy. For the most part we seek love of others. A life lived alone is unimaginable to most of us. We not only desire, but we seek out similar minded persons who will love us and be our companion. I personally have never met a hermit or anyone who likes living alone. I've met people who live alone because their loved-one died and they chose not to re-marry or take in another companion. 

One thing has crossed my mind a lot lately and it is this: No matter how many loved-ones you can amass and I have many. No matter how many people who calls you their friend. When you are lying on your death bed, no matter how may people are gathered around, you are going to die alone. No one can take your place or go with you, you are on your own. That's when most Athiests have last minute thoughts of "what if I have been wrong all these years. Will I just cease to exist or is there something good or bad waiting for the spirit of life that occupies my body.” Will you stake eternity on your belief in Atheism?

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