The government continues to overstep its bounds more and more
under this administration. We live under Constitutional Law but we have dozens
of Bureaus who write hundreds of “Regulations” under which we are to abide. I
for one, am fed up with federal “Bureaus” telling us how we can live
our lives.
The fiasco of the Bureau of Land
Management started in Nevada against Cliven Bundy may not end well. Even though
Newsweek reported that the U.S. had ended its standoff after about a thousand
protesters showed up in support of Bundy.
To quote Newsweek: “Anti-government
groups, right-wing politicians and armed gun-rights advocates camped around
Bundy’s ranch to support him in a standoff that tapped into long-simmering
anger in Nevada and other Western states, where vast tracts of land are owned
and governed by federal agencies.” The BLM was sent there to round up 1,000
head of cattle. How many were actually rounded up is unknown. They did give the
Bundys back 320 of their cattle after being backed down by a large force of
protesters and a television crew which eventually showed up to film the event.
Now I protest the term “right-wing”
politicians or anything. The term “right-wing” has a way being translated as
Bible thumping, gun toting racists for political reasons. Gun toting, yes, I
carry a gun, I carry a Bible and I am not racist. I believe, as Martin Luther
King said “a man should be judged by his character, not by the color of his
skin. Turning the other cheek is well past in this day and age of government
tyranny. Our fastest time for a police to get to me is more than 20 minutes so
I am alone with any assailant for at least 20 minutes and by then he has done
his harm to me and gone. The police then can only write a report after they ask
a dozen questions. I know that because my house what shot twice by some nuts
driving through my neighborhood shooting just for the fun of it. The police
said that without a license and make of the car they would probably never find
them. By the time we got out the front door they were gone and the police
couldn’t do anything.
But I digress. The Washington Free
Beacon reported earlier that the BLM “will not say if they have euthanatized
any of Bundy’s cows in the roundup” “Amy Lueders, the Nevada state director for
the BLM, said in a conference call Thursday evening that the agency does have a
‘protocol’ but would not release any numbers for animals they have found dead
or that they have euthhized.” “So, we do have a protocol in terms of when we
would euthanize animals,” she said. “But we don’t have ay answers at this time
in terms of numbers.” Considering that BLM brought in back hoes, one can only
assume they were there to bury dead cows when they killed “euthanatized”
The animals were being herded using
helicopters and this is calving season so many mother cows with calves became
separated. The calves separated from their mothers, by natural instinct would
go into hiding and if their mothers are not free to find them they will die of
According to BLM, 352 cows were herded
into a holding area. Their original plan was to round up 1000 cattle. I have
also read unsubstantiated reports that more than 200 cows were put down,
euthanatized is the word BLM used, I think the word should be “killed”. I
believe the number is probably higher due the lying nature of our political
leaders and their appointees.
In my opinion, I believe the cattle were
shot by Rangers who were unfamiliar with the proper way of herding cattle. One
report I read said the cattle made threatening moves toward the Rangers trying
to herd them into the holding area. Being raised on a farm, I know cattle have
to be herded in a friendly, non threatening manner or they will turn on you.
Some Rangers supposedly were attacked by the cattle so they euthanatized,
“killed” them for their natural instinct to threaten anyone trying to herd them
without necessary experience. Leuders said, “We will euthanize an animal
during the impoundment if they exhibit dangerous characteristics, threatening
the health and safety of the employees.”
Darn right, if cattle do not know you and
you approach them in an unfamiliar manner they will try to ram you, that’s why
they have horns on their head ─ for self-defense. Unless you are a cowboy and
can lasso them and take them down to the ground, tie their, then the only way
to “euthanize” a cow is to shoot it in the head. I doubt if any of the Rangers
were cowboys and knew nothing of how to handle cattle.
Over two hundred armed Rangers, including
snipers, along with K-9 units were deployed using brutal force against the
protesters who rushed to the Bundy family’s aid. The force, included the use of
Tasers on some of the protesters. K9 dogs were allowed to get within inches of
protesters but no dog bites were reported. One fifty-seven year old lady with
grandchildren was thrown to the ground for trying to video the fracas with her
cell phone. But it was only after a television cameraman and reporter showed up
did the rangers begin to disperse. Bad publicity would be detrimental to what
they were doing.
There is a lot more I could write that was
gleaned from reading the various news reports but my main point is that I
believe the force behind all this government control is the more likely the
“Green” movement. They pretend to be concerned over a Mojave Desert tortoise
which they claim is an endangered species. They’re never mentioned in any
article but their reputation of having farms and private lands rights infringed
on by some federal bureau because of something totally outside of their desire
to protect "mother earth and all its inhabitants from mankind". Only
recently, a farmer dug a small farm pond on his land and it suddenly was
declared a marshland. He was penalized and told his pond (marshland) was now
under the government marshland control.
My point: This government is out of
control. The Constitution means nothing to them. They rule on a whim, and it
seems that their whims change pretty much daily. Reportedly this excursion into
Nevada costs taxpayers three million dollars all because Cliven Bundy owes the
agency one million in taxes and penalties for allowing his cattle to graze on
federal land. The Bundy family has been raising cattle on this ranch since 1870
and just now the government decides to force him to pay the one million dollars
in fines and taxes. He decided to protest this outrageous taxation policy of
the government. So the government agency decided it was worth the three million
just to show him the government means business.
The arrival of about a thousand armed
militia men arriving from all parts of the United States has made the
government stand down. Yes, at this day and age the second amendment is causing
men from all over the United States to form militias. That is supposed to be
kept hush hush but its out of the bag now. The government for now will stand
down but. Yes, the government will stand down for now but I seriously doubt if
they will stand down for long. It is not in their nature to accept defeat from
a taxpayer.
And besides that, I had much rather have
steak on my dinner plate than Mojave Dessert Turtle.
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