I have a specific ire for Atheists who want the We the People to accept that the First Amendment of the Constitution means “Freedom From Religion.” They even have a foundation called “Freedom From Religion Foundation.” If they had their way we would all be Atheists like them. If they don’t believe in God, why oh why are they so afraid of those who do. Why are they afraid someone might believe in God just by hearing about Him from a Christian. And a second thought crosses my mind: why do they not go after Islam, after all they believe in a god called Allah. They march up and down the streets with signs saying death to the infidels.
I am so dismayed by a group that is so afraid of religion they want God removed from all aspects of pubic life. If they don’t believe in God, what are they so afraid of. Halloween is coming at the end of October and there will be Witches and Goblins. I don’t mind because I don’t really believe in them and they are no threat to me. If I did not believe in God then I would not think He was a threat to me either. These people must have some other agenda other than Freedom From Religion.
The First Amendment says in part: “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment OF religion OR prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”…The rest goes on to protect freedom of speech.
Those who know their history should remember the break with Rome was effected by a series of acts of England's Parliament passed between 1532 and 1534, among them the 1534 Act of Supremacy which declared King Henry VIII to be the "Supreme Head on earth of the Church of England"
Our Constitution was just a promise that the Government of United States of America would not do that to its citizens, but give them the freedom of worship that came with the differing religions of the immigrants who came to America. On the Mayflower in 1620 there were close to 40 members of a radical Puritan faction known as the English Separatist Church.
In the ensuing years many differing religions migrated to America; Calvinist, Lutheran, Catholics and Jews . We have Quakers, Amish, Methodists and Baptists. We have more than I can remember so I’m not even going to try and list them all; but suffice it to say we all have the freedom to worship as we see fit according to our understanding of the Gospel. You don’t believe in God, don’t worry about it, apparently you were not meant to, and that is a Biblical statement.
This current ranting, as I call it, was brought about by an article demanding that a poster based on a painting titled “Faith in America” by artist Donald Zolan, which has been hanging in Kenneth Cooper Middle School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for nearly two decades, be removed. The Freedom From Religion Foundation claims it violates the U.S. Constitution.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation, an atheist activist group, sent a letter to district officials on August 25, 2014 complaining about the poster which features children praying in front of an American flag.
An attorney for the Putnam City Public School District responded to the atheist group September 29, noting that the complaint—reportedly based on a local family’s dissatisfaction with the poster—is the first ever the district has received in its 18 years of displaying the image.
“We cannot agree that the poster displayed in the office is a per se violation of the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution,” wrote attorney Anthony Childers. Though, as you have pointed out, the title given to the artwork by the original artist is labeled ‘Faith in America,’ there is no text displayed with the poster which imputes the artist’s intent, theme, or title.”
Let me quote Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia:
"For more than 35 years I have written on the topic of America’s religious foundation. I’ve written five books on the subject, dozens of articles, and participated in a debate with atheist lawyer Edward Tabash."
The study of American history will show that the atheists, ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and Freedom From Religion Foundation don’t have a constitutional or historical leg to stand on when they file suits against religious displays, sectarian prayers, monuments, or anything else religious as it relates to government. They get away with their legal theatrics because:
(1) the general population is ignorant on the subject and
(2) the courts rule in terms of precedent and not historical verities.
During a speech at Colorado Christian University on Wednesday [October 1, 2014], Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia argued:
"The U.S. Constitution does not prohibit religious references in public places, including schools. Anyone who says otherwise on the facts of the case is lying."
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