Monday, June 24, 2013

Keep Your Guns and Buy More!

Editor's Note: Somehow while tryng to make my pages look better to the readers, this page became damaged and I was unable to fix it  so I deleted it and reposted. Now it is no longer in its original order but and I hope my readers don't become confused by my doing so. Thank you, James

Katie Worthman 
Published on Feb 19, 2013

Katie Worthman was born in Austria, and lived there for seven years under Hitlers brutal regime, and after world war II, she also lived three years under Soviet communist occupation. Needless to say, but Mrs. Worthman is someone who has an acute awareness of how media distorts things and tyranny comes to power. Mrs. Worthman, not only says that the media was wrong about how Hitler came to power, but she says that "In the beginning, Hitler didn't look like, or talk like a monster at all. He talked like an American politician."

She says that the story of Hitler overthrowing governments and people in order to come to power just simply isn't true, but rather the Austrian people elected Hitler with 98% of the vote at the ballot box. Mrs. Worthman then goes on to say that the Austrian people had guns, but the government began to say that they were dangerous, so they began to implement gun registration. Then she said this was followed by turning in their weapons to the police station in order to cut down on crime, and if citizens didn't... there would be capital punishment.

Mrs. Worthman says that the dictatorship, "didn't happen over night, but it took 5 years, gradually, little by little, to escalate to a dictatorship."

She then goes on to say that, "When the people fear the government, that's tyranny, but when the government fears the people, that's liberty."

As a Nazi survivor, what is her advice to us... "Keep your guns, keep your guns and buy more guns."

God....Is He or Isn't He?

I endeavor to not wear my religion on my sleeve but this has become necessary because of one person. I belong to “social” web site that’s dedicated to discussions, sometimes arguments about current events in subjects of entertainment, politics and family. Recently I came across a comment by a lady named “Sue”, no last name given. The following is her comment:

“Learn more of science. You may become enlightened. Some 'god' did not 'create' everything. Some 'god' does not 'cause' weather conditions. Some 'god' does not give children to couples. The bible is not based on fact. Much of it has been proven myths & stories from other cultures or just plain wrong. Death wasn't 'caused' because some woman who was 'created' from a rib ate an apple. Death always existed. A rib cannot grow arms, legs, etc; THAT'S a proven. 'God' is an invention of man to explain how things started as well as to control people. Give me ONE PROVEN piece of factual evidence. Whenever I ask that basic question, no one answers. I wonder why? Religion is responsible for most of the wars fought in the world. Your comments are senseless. You are just repeating the things you have been indoctrinated in.”

That was in answer to my statement to a previous anti-God statement she had made. Below is my answer to her “learn more of science” comment:

“None of you non-believers have any factual evidence that He isn't running things? The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years by more than 66 men and all of them agreed that there was but one all knowing, all seeing, ever present God who created this whole universe and all that is in it. Once He set things into motion, it's reasonable that according to Genesis, on the 7th day he rested. Maybe He isn't "running things". Maybe we're living in the 7th day and He isn't actively doing anything accept being God. See my explanation in the paragraph above. I cannot say anything more or second guess what God has on His Mind. The sad thing is that people do not really know GOD and think of him as a benevolent old man sitting on a throne somewhere. They are very mistaken.” I also stated that: “God is God, and being God, He can do whatever He wants to whomever He wants, whenever He wants. No reason needed for His actions. Another fact is that there is no way a book that took 1500 years to write by many different men could be so much in agreement. No other such book has been written in our entire history. The Qu’ran was written by one man and it has parts in it that are in total disagreement with other parts. God's followers have fed more hungry, provided medical facilities to more poor nations, put themselves in danger to go to the aid of people who have been devastated by hurricanes or floods than any other of earth's community. That's a proven. The IRS reports that Conservative Christians donotate more money and time helping others as shows on their tax forms each Apriil 15th.

And her “learn more science” statements leads me to think of her as too young to remember all the mistakes science has made over the years. How many things have they claimed causes cancer then changed their minds. And I’m old enough to remember when the Milky Way was considered the whole universe until Hubble and the Hubble telescope started looking deeper into space. Scientists think they can look far enough back into the universe to find the beginning of the Big Bang. My question for science is which way do you look? The universe is a gigantic sphere with no end. We can look at the north star but which way is it to the beginning of the universe, the Big Bang if you wish. And if the Big Bang happened at the speed of light, some scientists say it was faster, how can we, looking back at the speed of light, see something that happened 400 million years ago. Another thing scientists were wrong about is the expanding-collapsing universe. When I was in school, they thought that the universe would eventually start collapsing back into itself. Now they are saying we are living in an ever expanding universe.

As I sit here in my glorious stupidity glad that I’m a Christian, I don’t need to worry about tomorrow, whether the universe is collapsing or even what causes cancer. I know who holds tomorrow and I know who holds my hand.

Freedom Isn't Free...You Have To Work At It

As I observe the events occurring in our nation and around the world, I cannot help but to worry that something is very much amiss. I’ve lived long enough to have seen times when doors were seldom locked, church bells rang on Sunday morning, people watched out for each other’s children, children were taught to respect their elders, teachers read scripture and had morning prayer in classrooms, and the pledge of allegiance was recited by students with hand over heart, including the words Under God. I was witness to a nation, whose citizens sacrificed their time, money, sons and daughters to a world war on foreign soil for the freedom that united we stand, stands for. Again I saw men and women go, not to war but a “police action”, to save the small country of South Korea from the threat of communist North Korea. Thousands gave the last full measure of their life to this cause. President Kennedy gave us reason to be proud when he faced down Castro and Kruschev during the Cuban missile crisis. 

Then came, possibly our histories most unpopular conflict, Vietnam. France had already been there and was soundly defeated, so the USA decided to take up the task. At first, we were only going in as advisors to the South Vietnam military. Nevertheless, things kept escalating. For some unknown reason, our political leaders were afraid to win this “conflict” because it might offend our other enemies, namely the USSR. If memory serves me correctly, they were afraid that it might escalate into a nuclear conflict. Our returning soldiers, who had endured the “don’t fire unless fired upon” rule and clawed their way through mud and jungle and survived, were jeered and spat upon as they disembarked their ships. They were exhausted and demoralized from having lost, and yet they were treated like the “bad guy” when they finally made it safely back to the land of the free and the home of the brave. It was a sad thing to see.

The Jane Fonda type “peaceniks” bravely mistreated our returning soldiers with impunity. Only in America could they have gotten away with such atrocious behavior, protected by the same men who were offering their lives for freedom around the world. Only in America are people free to be obnoxious and belligerent as they please.There have been terrorists, both foreign and domestic all the while thinking a bomb placed here or there every now and then to kill a few innocents would make all the difference in the world. What kind of difference do they really want? America is the one nation where every citizen has the freedom to speak his peace, practice his religion, make his life pretty much of what he wants it to be without any interference from anyone. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is guaranteed in the Constitution.

America’s war against terrorism is far from over and yet our citizens tire of it. It is beginning to look like another Vietnam. No real ambition to be winners again. Pogo author, Walt Kelly said it best in 1970 when he wrote: “I have seen the enemy and he is us.” We have no leadership in Washington; congress, the senate, the president, all seem to have their heads in the sand thinking things will eventually get better. Of course, it is not really too bad for them; they all have a job with a good salary and benefits. From the top looking down, it does’t look too bad. While I am not at the bottom, I can see it from where I sit and it looks really bad down there. Moreover, from my point of view looking up, it is beginning to look really bad up there; no one up there seems to be paying attention. Yet it is really the fault of the citizens, us, we the people. We are too busy to pay attention and vote as though our very freedom and liberty depend on it. Yet it really does. Freedom loving Americans should start paying attention to the matters at hand. I hope it is not too late, some people think it is. As one who believes in the Judeo-Christian principles the founding fathers built this nation on, I say that if we citizens cannot rescue America from its perceived destiny, then look to the last verse in the Bible, Revelation 22:20 -- He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.