Friday, April 12, 2013

What Happened to the Constitution?

For forty something years my wife and I were enjoying the freedoms provided by the Constitution of the United States and our State Constitution. We had a home, three kids, two cars, four television sets, a boat on the lake and all the comforts that the freedoms of our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, would allow. We took vacations and enjoyed life pretty much to the fullest.

My wife and I retired a few years ago and now with our children all married and living in their own homes. Finally we had very little to do or think about so we started paying attention to the “state of the nation”. Suddenly we were sore afraid. Just what has our elected representatives done to the “constitution”. They surely have not been following it very closely nor paying attention to its laws or the people who have entrusted them with the job. We find that our country is deeply in debt, our foreign policy is a joke, people around the world are laughing at us and we are the target of the nation of Islam just as soon as they finish off our most trusted ally, Israel.

As a Christian (which is not a religion in the first place but a philosophy), I can not understand the determination why Democrats, liberals and atheists are so adamant about removing Christianity from the only nation founded upon Biblical Judeo-Christian principles by its’ founding fathers. Any educated person who has read any of the founding fathers writings in full without picking and selecting passages out of context to prove their point would know without a doubt what was meant by the first amendment.

Article I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Perhaps the word “respecting” is a bit Shakespearean for them to fathom the meaning thereof. My Thesaurus gave me the phrase “with regard to”. So Congress shall make no law with regard to an establishment of religion, (That’s a comma meaning there‘s more of the same subject) or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; (that’s a semi-colon: it means a continuation of the thought.) or abridging the freedom of speech, (that’s a comma again) or of the press; (another semicolon) or the right of (We) the people peaceably to assemble, (another comma) and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There is nothing hard about that to understand. As an American citizen, I have the right to not only go to the church of my choice, but also if I want to, establish my own church and denomination. Yet the progressives, Atheists and the Democrats (if you were listening to them booed God at their presidential nomination convention last September) would like for me, a member of the FREE United States of America, to curb my freedoms to keep from hurting their feelings. Why does it bother anyone in a FREE country what his or her neighbor does or says. They do not have to pay any attention to what I do or say. After all, I do not pay them any attention when they insult my beliefs. “It’s a FREE country….or is it?”

Madalyn Murray O’Hair made headlines when she objected to her eldest son, William, participating in Bible readings in the Baltimore public schools. She carried her argument to the Supreme Court and would you believe it….she won her argument. Makes me wonder where the Supreme Court Justices were educated. After years of being the most hated woman in America, she was murdered. It was years before her body was found and the murder has never been solved. The Atheists would be very pleased if it was proved some Christian who did the deed.

I went to a Baptist college with a fairly good number of foreign exchange students who were of mostly non-protestant religions (my favorite friend was a young Buddhist) and some of no religious convictions at all and never did any one of them object to the fact that we had religious assembly every morning. People can get along with each other ONLY IF THEY WANT TO. There are those in our nation and in our political circles who DO NOT WANT TO. They are set on creating divisions and strife among the citizens. When I was just a young boy the old folks called them “TROUBLE MAKERS.”

Now all 57 states… I mean all 50 states (57 is the number of Muslim countries at present) have to subscribe to a socialized medicine program where everyone gets the same medical care (FREE??? I doubt it, it‘s going to cost someone.) What about article 10 of the constitution?

Article X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. 

Do I need to break this down into English for anyone? It is not even in the Shakespearean form and it is very well punctuated. The powers not delegated (given) to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited (forbidden) by it to the States, are reserved (set aside) to the States respectively (in that order), or to the “people”. (That is us).

States have rights even though we are a part of the 50 United States. What is legal in some states can be illegal in others. New Hampshire, as well as several other states, have a right to carry a weapon. In other states it is illegal. I personally believe the citizens of every state should have the right to wear a side arm in public. I personally believe the crime rate would drop drastically.

I started this article with “What Happened to Our Constitution?” I will end it with this thought. Years ago a cartoonist named Walter Kelly, drew a comic strip in most of the newspapers in the U.S. called Pogo. One of his strips became famous for this statement: “We have met the enemy and he is us.” We were for over 40 years our own worst enemy. While we enjoyed the fruits of our labors and the freedom to pursue happiness we did not keep an eye on Washington and our very trusted, elected leaders have stolen our freedoms slowly and surely for their personal gains and interests. I remember a statement from Soviet Russia (USSR) that said “we will bury you with your own shovels.” and I believe they have succeeded. There’s no secret any more that there is a Democratic Socialist party in the United States, and other political groups with Socialist leanings who spew forth with Socialist and Communist propaganda and are not particularly mentioned in our mainstream media.

I think we owe Senator Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957) a belated apology. In 1950 as a U.S. Senator he became concerned about the growing number of communist and communist sympathizers in America and started holding Senate hearings. He made many enemies who also followed his activities with a strong interest. Determined to stop McCarthy from spreading the truth about their communist agenda, many anti-American Hollywood insiders found willing accomplices in the budding liberal media. These propaganda-mongers added a new word to the dictionary, defining “McCarthyism” as a senseless political witch-hunt. In fact, McCarthy had exposed scores of known communists in the capital without a single known false accusation. Joseph McCarthy’s critics were never interested in the truth.

The leftist counter-offensive against McCarthy was beginning to take its toll in late 1953. Many Senators became fed up with McCarthy’s showmanship as the liberal media relentlessly launched baseless attacks against his character. On a dark day in American history in December 1954, American hero and patriot Joseph McCarthy was censured by the US Senate.

Was he wrong? I remember him pretty well because he was covered by black and white television back then. I thought he was doing a pretty good job and television producers spun off a show that caught public interest called “I Was A Communist for the FBI” which was about an undercover FBI agent infiltrating communist organizations in the U.S. No…he was not wrong…just ahead of his time. Our country has moved far enough to the left that people proudly claim to be socialists, or communists, when they use to hide that fact from the public. Moreover, they have no trouble at all calling me, a conservative Christian, a racist. I have never worn a white hood nor been part of the KKK. Nevertheless, there are a few Democrats still alive that cannot make that claim. Senator McCarthy, I for one apologize for the way you were treated by your own peers in the United States Senate.

America’s Transition to Socialism

Washington Times: ‘Path is Clear’ for America’s Transition to Socialism
Posted by Katie Baker on November 15, 2012 at 1:50am in General, Town Hall

I don’t know about you, but just reading the title to this article sent a chill up my spine and made my hair stand up on the back of my neck!

The article begins by saying:
President Obama has succeeded in transforming America. The constitutional republic is dead. A socialist empire has been born. This is the true meaning — and historical significance — of Tuesday’s election.

From the outset of his presidency, Mr. Obama vowed to be a “transformative” leader. His re-election shows that he has achieved his primary goal: erecting a European social democracy.

TRANSITION? Well, let’s not give Obama ALL of the credit.
Transition No. 1 – Bibles and Prayer were taken out of schools.
Transition No. 2 – Ten Commandments were removed from schools and other public buildings.
Transition No. 3 – Abortion on Demand became legal and no massive outrage was presented.
Transition No. 4 – Our public “fool” systems were infiltrated with socialist educators so that generation after  generation have been brainwashed into believing that our republic and system of capitalism are bad and that free handouts are from a “good” and “loving” government.
Transition No. 5 – Pastors were persecuted for speaking out against politicians, abortion and same sex marriage and therefore many, if not most, have refused to speak the truth and teach the laws of Yahweh to their flock, thereby becoming false shepherds.

Folks, this did not happen overnight. It has been a long, slow process … or “progressive”, as the liberals like to refer to their scheme to reshape America.

It is no wonder that we are hearing of secession movements rising up across the entire lands of America. Be careful of these secession movements as this could all be playing right into Obama’s hands to create more civil unrest and possibly lead to civil war across the entire country.

This civil war will lead to the ultimate destruction of the America we all knew and loved.

The question we all must ask now is: What are we going to do about it? Are we going to continue to remain silent and sit comfortably in our homes, in front of our computers griping and complaining … but to what avail? What can the average person REALLY do to try and help restore America?

But I wonder … is it too late? Has it gone too far? Can we at this point stop the momentum that is building?

LORD, please help us. Send forth the leaders who will once again turn this country back to In God We Trusts. our source … not government. We  look to you for your Divine Guidance for the days that loom ahead for America and for our countrymen. It is only with Your help that we will survive as Americans and as America. Forgive us Father for the many, many sins we have committed individually and as a nation. We humble ourselves before you and beg your forgiveness.

In Yeshua’s Holy Name. AMEN.

The History of Guns In America

Dave Perkins explains, “The more I talk to people about gun control and the Second Amendment, the more I realize that many Americans have no understanding of the history of arms control and attempts to disarm the American public committed by the Crown, part of many outrages leading to the Declaration of Independence and war. Would you put up with your government doing these things to you? It’s not just the disarmament, it’s the contempt, the criminality, the thuggish arrogance. When a colonist saw the disdain and brutality of the Crown’s thinking about them and actions toward them, he knew the war was going to come eventually. The British were brutal, repressive. Taking away guns from Americans was part and parcel of increasing their taxes and punitive measures, limiting their freedoms; it was all the SAME THING to the Crown. Read on and pass it on.

Here is an article offered as a brief history of gun control around the time of the founding and the writing of the United States Constitution, courtesy of the Future of Freedom Foundation– parentheticals throughout this article are my own comments and clarifications–


“One of the first acts of Parliament following the accession of William and Mary to the throne of England as a result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 was to restore the old constitution with its provision that every man may arm for self-defense. (this is the British constitution we’re talking about, prior to the Declaration of Independence by many years.)

In 1760, Britain began adopting mercantilist policies, meaning heavy government control of foreign trade, toward her American colonies. By 1768, these had produced such hardships and a reversal of the previous prosperity in the colonies that British troops had to be sent to suppress riots and collect taxes. (And the troops, discovering armed and cantankerous locals who did not want to pay the punitive taxes, had to act to reduce the colonials’ ability to fight.)

Between 1768-1777, the British policy was to disarm the American colonists by whatever means possible, from entrapment, false promises of safekeeping, banning imports, seizure, and eventually shooting persons bearing arms. (government disarming of the population almost instantly becomes tyranny, because the population does not want to give up what it correctly perceives as its right to defend itself. Government must therefore be violent and cruel to the population. To execute this policy of disarmament, they have no other choice. It is the disarmament policy itself, then, that is tyrannical, as the other events naturally flow from it.)

By 1774, the British had embargoed shipments of arms to America, and the Americans responded by arming themselves and forming independent militia companies. On the night of 18 April 1775, General Gage, Governor of Massachusetts, dispatched several hundred soldiers of the Boston garrison under the command of Major Pitcairn to seize the arms and munitions stored by the illegal colonial militias in Concord.

When Pitcairn encountered the Minutemen on the Lexington common blocking his way, he demanded that they throw down their arms and disperse. Although willing to disperse, the Minutemen were not willing to surrender their arms. The rest is history.

Three days after the British retreat from Concord, General Gage refused to allow Bostonians to leave the city without depositing their arms and ammunition with a Selectman at Faneuil Hall, to be returned at a suitable time after they came back (this was to prevent Bostonians from leaving the city to form up a militia and attack British troops). When the citizens of Boston foolishly complied, Gage seized the arms and refused to permit their owners to leave the city. (note– as soon as you lay down your arms, government promises evaporate, and government does what it actually wanted to do but would not admit.) from “Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms,” July 6, 1775.

The news of Gage’s seizure of the arms of Bostonians not engaged in hostilities and rumors of British troops sailing from England to seize the arms of the colonists swept the colonies. The colonists considered these actions a violation of their (British) constitutionally guaranteed right to have and use arms for self-preservation and defense, as indeed they were. In 1777, William Knox, Under Secretary of State for Colonial Affairs, advocated for the American colonies the creation of a ruling aristocracy loyal to the Crown, the establishment of the Church of England, and an unlimited power to tax. To prevent resistance to these measures, Knox proposed (more arrogant and tyrannical behavior) disarming all the people:

“The Militia Laws should be repealed and none suffered to be re-enacted & the Arms of all the People should be taken away, & every piece of Ordnance removed into the King’s Stores, nor should any Foundry or manufacture of Arms, Gun-powder, or Warlike Stores, be ever suffered in America, nor should any Gunpowder, Lead, Arms or Ordnance be imported into it without License; they will have but little need of such things for the future, as the King’s Troops, Ships & Forts will be sufficient to protect them from danger.”

By that time, of course, the King’s ships and troops WERE the danger. Remember that the colonials were first and foremost British citizens with a British constitutional right to keep and bear arms to defend themselves. It was the British military, on orders from the British government, which sought to disarm them for years, growing ever more thuggish and tyrannical in the effort, all the while making a mockery of the constitution it had itself embraced not so long before. The first shots fired in the Revolutionary War were quite literally over a demand by British troops for colonials to surrender their arms, and the refusal of the colonials to do so. This is why there IS a second amendment in the constitution. End of story.

Capitalism versus Socialism

The topic on my mind today is the great cry from the liberals to do away with capitalism. It has been suggested that people with high salaries take drastic pay cuts to enable the government to re-distribute the money equally to lower paid people and thus lift and/or lower everyone to what would be considered a comfortable middle class income. It might could be legislated, passed and signed by the president but would it work for the greater future of the United States or the World if we have a world government.

As I think about history and the world I grew up in and studied about it in school, when schools actually taught things like reading, writing and arithmetic and history, I do not think socialism would benefit our future. Socialism has failed in every country where it has been tried and tens of thousands of dissidents, those against it, were killed and buried, mostly the educated who could think of better ideas.

As I remember history, I do not remember all of the capitalists of the world and it would take me a long time to look them up so I will just mention a few examples. I cannot remember the person who invented the steam engine but it was surely a capitalist and the steam engine carried industrialization of England and the United States a long way. Then Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin and he had to have been a capitalist. Someone else invented the weaving loom and gave us cloth to make more clothes. Then Marconi invented radio. Lee De Forest gave us the vacuum tube greatly improving the radio and giving us CBS, NBC and Mutual Broadcasting Co.

Do not forget Thomas Edison and all of his inventions, the light bulb, recording machine, motion picture machine. All of his inventions were improved as time went buy but so was Henry Ford’s invention, but who drives a Model T Ford any more. To put in a good word for Henry Ford, I would like to say that he started a trend culminated in the largest bunch of capitalists in America: General Motors, Chrysler Corporation, Oldsmobile and all of the different models of automobiles built by those giant corporations.

How about washing machines, clothes dryers, electric stoves, water heaters, and televisions. You can bet your bottom dollar they too were made by capitalists. Here I sit in front of my computer not really satisfied with my inability to remember enough things capitalists were responsible for but then I wonder…if it were not for Bill Gates, would I be sitting here at a computer. I have owned more computers than I can remember since 1980. Texas Instrument, Commodore 64 and 128, four apple computers by Steve Wozniac and Steve Jobs. They started in their garage but soon became capitalists as personal computers became popular. In addition, because of computers and other electronics, Silicon Valley made more millionaire capitalists than anywhere else in the world. We had dumbed down so many young people in our pitiful schools that many of the millionaires were from Japan or India.

To have said all this just to make a very simple point about capitalism and venture capitalism. If it were not for capitalism, we would all be living in wooden shacks, farming with horse and plow, riding in wagons (because buggies were made by capitalists), going to school in one-room school house because farming doesn’t generate enough income to pay for big schools and colleges. We would have to barter for more than we had money to pay for. We would sleep cold at night, hot in daytime, wear hand woven clothes of what ever we could afford to have made. Shoes would be more uncomfortable and un-stylish.

I have seen pictures of Russia in its hey-day and they were not very nice to look at. Ladies standing in line hoping there would be enough food left on the shelves when they got into the store for them to buy for dinner. With their socialized government-owned farms, not enough food was being produced to feed the people. Socialism failed in Russia because it could not generate enough capital to compete with the United States militarily. Their goal was and I believe still is to spread socialism throughout the world. With our current president and the apparent mindset of many people, I am afraid we are headed that way at an accelerated pace.

I hear more cries from the Unions and other people every day that we need to do away with Capitalism. They make statements such as: “Capitalism steals your money via politicians, taxes, products, services, shops, food, fuel, musicians, celebrities, films, sports, banking, TV, the internet, etc.” Carl Marx said, “Religion is the opiate of the people.” In my lifetime, I have seen our country go from “One Nation under God,” and “In God We Trust” to a country where Christians are called racists and terrorists and any public form of religious expression is denied us in the name of separation of church and state. In 1956, Nikita Khrushchev said: “we will bury you without firing a shot.” His prediction seems to be coming true.