Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentines Day 2015, A Love Story

Out Behind The Barn

My friend and almost constant companion who goes by the name King Oliver is my two and one half pound Chihuahua, and he has the paper work from the American Kennel Club to prove his qualifications. It has been a normal routine to let him out several times a day to run around in the front yard where he spends a few minutes marking his territory and other things that doggies do. I always stand on the  porch to make sure he doesn’t go into the road where those big automobiles that sometimes drive by doesn't get the opportunity to run over my little friend. My neighbor across the street also has a Chihuahua but I had never noticed before that it was a young lady. Maybe I’m wrong about her being a lady.

Friday while King Oliver was out making sure the markings of his territory were still intact, she ran across the street and introduced herself. “Hi big boy, are you in the mood for a little romance?” She asked. The King perked up at hearing this and…well…the two of them went into this tight little dance, side by side, nose to tail around and around for a few minutes becoming thoroughly acquainted. It was about then the mean old Ogre…that’s me…decided that the King should come back inside and not get involved with this promiscuous little hussy.

It wasn’t long before King Oliver…insisting that his new friend was not a promiscuous little hussy, wanted to go back outside. He whimpered and cried, insisting that he really needed to go outside. He was so insistent, even threatening to poop on the floor if he didn’t get his way.

Finally giving in, even though it was already dark outside I thought I could keep him in the range of my front porch light. Well…I was wrong. He disappeared into the darkness and refused to return when I called. I finally sent out a search party and he was nowhere to be found. I couldn’t imagine where he might be but it was a sure thing that he was  somewhere he wanted to be but not to be found. 

A few hours later, the lady of the house across the street brought him to my front door telling me she found him in her small storage building whining and shivering…the temperature outside had fallen a little below freezing. Why he didn't come home on his own after his little hussy went inside I don't know. Maybe he thought she would return soon and they could continue where they left off. I can only imagine that they were just doing what comes naturally. 

I remembered my youth and compared the storage building to the old barn on the our farm. Out behind the barn was where I got my education when I was young. There’s a song about that and I just wish I could remember the lyrics. His little escapade brought back to mind that song entitled “Out Behind the Barn.” Most of us southern country boys got our education out behind the barn. Smoked our first cigarette out behind the barn. Kissed our first girl friend out behind the barn. A lot of things went on out behind the barn that we didn't want ma and pa to know about. That's life.

All day long today, Valentines day 2015, my little King has been whining wanting to go back out behind the barn but all to no avail. I’m a mean old Ogre and insisted he stay in the yard and be a nice little boy, after all, he’s only two and a half years old. And has plenty of years ahead of him to find a nice girl, fall in love and get properly married before he starts a family. At least that’s what my mama always said to me when I was young.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

U.S.A. A Great Big Salad Bowl

I received an email from a friend in South Carolina telling me that there was a terrorist training camp in York County, S.C. York county occupies an area of 696 square miles in the North East part of S.C. not far from Charlotte, N.C. It has a population of 226,073 as of the 2010 census. The Clarion Project website lists it as lists it as Islamville with the address of Islamville Way, York County, S.C. 29745. Formed in 1982. They boast of having the first Islamic Shrine in America.

A call to the Sheriff Department of York County, I was told that no such place exists. They admitted to having an Islamic commune with peaceful Muslims living there that bear no threat to anyone. That’s the official story. However, I found a website of Holy Islamville, Home of the Baitun-Noor Holy Khangah. Supposedly a part of the MOA (Muslims of America) proclaiming peaceful intentions in establishing harmony between them and other religious faith of America. They emphasiz that their focus is on similarities with other peoples of the “Book” and not their differences. They go by the name Jamaat Al-Fuqra in the United States.

The following three paragraphs from WDN explain things a little differently:

“According to the FBI, there are at least 22 Islamic paramilitary communes in the US. These communes are operated by the Pakistan-based group Jamaat al-Fuqra and its main US front group, Muslims of the Americas. Pamela Geller, author of the Atlas Shrugs blog and the book “Stop the Islamization of America,” has been following the militant training compounds since 2007. Gilani’s group operates a slick website in which a female narrator in one promo video waxes beautifully about how the group has rescued many young Americans from a life a crime, drugs and poverty. The group claims to focus on a ministry to “indigenous American Muslims.” One would never guess from the video that the group trains young men and women in the use of small arms and military tactics.” I found another web site showing a very lengthy PDF File “Identifying the Links between White Collar Crime and terrorism. On page 21 of this you will find a list of Fuqura criminal activities. On Appendix B you will find “Suspected Fuqra Activities, Training Compounds and Activities, by State”. On Appendix C, you will find “White-collar Crimes Used to Support Terrorist Activities.” It’s a 92 page file so it will take some patience to read through the whole thing.
Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani claims to have between 10 and 15 thousand followers in America with a presence in 22 of the American states. He also says:
“These are the end times and the carpet is being rolled up”. He also tells his followers to “Act like a friend, and then kill them, just like from the book.” Sheik Gilani started in 1980 recruiting Islamists for the war between Afghanistan and Russia and at the same time he apparently started recruiting Islamists for his training camps in America. Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl went to Pakistan to interview Gilani about the shoe bomber, Richard Reid but Gilani thought Daniel Pearl was there to target him and an assassination team would be sent in to kill him. Gilani claims no responsibility in Daniel Pearl execution. Several covert paramilitary training compounds exist within some of the communes. Law enforcement are aware of seven training facilities in the ROCIC (Regional Organized Crime Information Center). His followers are referred to as the Soldiers of Alla, SOA.

Most of the recruits living at these communes are African-Americans who converted to Islam while doing hard time in state or federal prisons, Geller says. They have operated “under the not-so-watchful eye” of the FBI since the early 1980s, she says, but few Americans are aware of their existence all these years later.

However, another website from Hancock, N.Y. gives a video which show military training in progress including their recruitment. The U.S. headquarters in Islamberg, the group, headed by Pakistani cleric Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani operate communes in mostly remote areas of California, Georgia, South Carolina, New York, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Michigan, Tennessee and other states.

They seem to be operating low key to keep from arousing too much suspicion from the police and the government agencies, they are stealthy in their terrorist training. While Home Land Security as well as the FBI are supposedly keeping watch on their activities, they seem to be growing in numbers. One person said there were more than two dozen, another said their were about thirty such camps in at least 22 states. They seem to be taking advantage of our freedoms of speech, political correctness and freedom of religion while they train to overthrow our government and us as a free people.

The most informative explanation of the training camps I found was a 35 minute documentary on You Tube which tells pretty much the whole story as it is described in the Koran. It is apparent that Islam’s goal is to conquer the world for Allah, the United States is included.

To quote a poem by Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani:

“Come join our troops and army
Says our Sheik Gilani.
Prepare to sacrifice your head,
A true believer is never dead.
Say victory is in the air,
The Kafir’s blood will not be spared.”