Friday, April 12, 2013

America’s Transition to Socialism

Washington Times: ‘Path is Clear’ for America’s Transition to Socialism
Posted by Katie Baker on November 15, 2012 at 1:50am in General, Town Hall

I don’t know about you, but just reading the title to this article sent a chill up my spine and made my hair stand up on the back of my neck!

The article begins by saying:
President Obama has succeeded in transforming America. The constitutional republic is dead. A socialist empire has been born. This is the true meaning — and historical significance — of Tuesday’s election.

From the outset of his presidency, Mr. Obama vowed to be a “transformative” leader. His re-election shows that he has achieved his primary goal: erecting a European social democracy.

TRANSITION? Well, let’s not give Obama ALL of the credit.
Transition No. 1 – Bibles and Prayer were taken out of schools.
Transition No. 2 – Ten Commandments were removed from schools and other public buildings.
Transition No. 3 – Abortion on Demand became legal and no massive outrage was presented.
Transition No. 4 – Our public “fool” systems were infiltrated with socialist educators so that generation after  generation have been brainwashed into believing that our republic and system of capitalism are bad and that free handouts are from a “good” and “loving” government.
Transition No. 5 – Pastors were persecuted for speaking out against politicians, abortion and same sex marriage and therefore many, if not most, have refused to speak the truth and teach the laws of Yahweh to their flock, thereby becoming false shepherds.

Folks, this did not happen overnight. It has been a long, slow process … or “progressive”, as the liberals like to refer to their scheme to reshape America.

It is no wonder that we are hearing of secession movements rising up across the entire lands of America. Be careful of these secession movements as this could all be playing right into Obama’s hands to create more civil unrest and possibly lead to civil war across the entire country.

This civil war will lead to the ultimate destruction of the America we all knew and loved.

The question we all must ask now is: What are we going to do about it? Are we going to continue to remain silent and sit comfortably in our homes, in front of our computers griping and complaining … but to what avail? What can the average person REALLY do to try and help restore America?

But I wonder … is it too late? Has it gone too far? Can we at this point stop the momentum that is building?

LORD, please help us. Send forth the leaders who will once again turn this country back to In God We Trusts. our source … not government. We  look to you for your Divine Guidance for the days that loom ahead for America and for our countrymen. It is only with Your help that we will survive as Americans and as America. Forgive us Father for the many, many sins we have committed individually and as a nation. We humble ourselves before you and beg your forgiveness.

In Yeshua’s Holy Name. AMEN.

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