Sunday, June 30, 2013

God and Apollo 11

Editor's Note: This is in regards to an article I wrote some time back entitled "An Essay for Many Athiests and Others Who Have Doubts"

By Ray Rogers

My father James Rogers wrote an article (a very good one I might add) in response to a woman who doesn't believe in God. She advised my father that the existence of God had all been proven false. That most all wars are fought over religion and that he should trust more in science.

Well I'd like to add that God is not religion He is God and there is none other. Religion is something that was created by man. I also agree that religion was invented to control people. God does not control people, if he did you would not see all this sin, murder, hate and debauchery that exists. Instead he made us individuals with free will. We are all stewards over what God has given us charge over to do with whatever our free will leads us to do.

Look at how many times that science has been wrong throughout history. Now lets consider the Bible. It has been consistent since the first book was written. Many of the books such as Psalms predicted the coming of the messiah and how he would suffer. Obadiah 1:4, says: "Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down,” declares the Lord. Now how would the a prophet of God know about the space program thousands of years before a man landed on the moon? July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 lunar excursion module landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong said, "the eagle has landed." The base of that module is still sitting on the moon's surface today. Could that be the nest that God was speaking of?

The Bible has predicted many things which most all have already come true. Only a few things left before Jesus comes to set up his throne here on earth. God's word tells us to be witnesses. So I'm going to witness. When I was a small boy of seven my aunt prayed the sinners prayer with me and while we prayed I physically felt a cleansing around my heart. I felt great joy in my heart, after that there was no doubt that God was real. I was too young to imagine such a thing and no one gave me any indication of what to expect.

The Bible says that the Holy Spirit would be poured out on all flesh. This is that spirit that gave me the cleansing feeling I felt that night, this is also the spirit of truth that Jesus said we would be baptized with: Matthew 3:11. Jesus said blessed is he who believes though he has not seen: John 20:29. The bible says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen: Hebrews 11:1.

God tells men to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute you: Matthew 5:44. Religion tells men to hate and to kill the infidel. God's people don't have to be controlled. They do good because they love God and want to bare witness to his love. Our faith is not based in science, but in the fact that we have felt his love.

So if you choose to believe in science rather than God. Don't worry I'm not going to cut your head off or blow you up, but imagine opening your eyes one day and realizing that your free thinking mind has taken you to a horrible place and you've never been so afraid before. Then it will be too late, because like the fallen angels there is no redemption outside of the flesh. God's word says also that it is appointed for us once to die and then the judgement.

God doesn't want this for you and neither do we his children. After all He sent his only begotten Son to die for our sin. Please put your faith in the Creator of science, not just science itself. Just look at the Apollo 11 insignia and remember Obidiah 1:4 "Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down,” 

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